Other Beautiful Things We Found This Month

Animal Families Batik
Sister Markham's infatuation with batik art continues.
This Animal Family wall hanging is Elder Markham's favorite.

Leopard Batik Blue Zebra Batik
Leopard Batik Blue Zebra Batik

Muesli Merman Drum
Sister Markham's Favorite Breakfast
Elder and Sister Barnes from Boise call it
"Mule Mix" due to the rolled oat content.
Merman Drum

Elder Leishman's Pizza Sharon's new hairdo
Elder Leishman was craving pizza.
When he got one, he added catsup.
Do missionaries miss U.S. food?
Sharon Kwaw has another new 'Do'.

Friends for Kofi Kofi and Friends
Friends for Kofi Kofi and Friends

Sister Strong Necklace
Sister Strong wore this
African outfit to a party at
Area President's house.
Hand painted, fired glass beads are
popular in West Africa. Sister Markham
dismantled some bracelets and designed her
own, original necklace. What do you think?

An African Queen?

African Queen
As Sister Markham walked by President Ahadjie and Bishop Sekyere,
they stopped her and commented on the beautiful necklace saying it
looked like an African Queen's jewelry. They told Sister Markham
she should get ankle bracelets and sandals to complete the queen look.
She is not considering that any time soon.

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